Critical Access Hospital in Delta, UT 84624

Payment and Value of Care

126 South White Sage Avenue Delta, UT 84624
Phone: (435) 864-5591

The payment and value of care quality measures at Delta Community Medical Center evaluate the Medicare spending per beneficiary during an inpatient hospital admission through 30 days after discharge. The following measures are price-standardized and risk-adjusted: payment for heart attack, payment for heart failure patients and payment for pneumonia patients. The measures include patients 65 years or older who were enrolled in Medicare for 12 months prior to their hospitalization and 30 days after admission.

The payment measures include: payment for heart attacks, payment for heart failure patients and payment for pneumonia patients. The value of care combines measures of payment and the patient mortality rate to assess the value of care.

Payment of Care

The payment of care measures add up all payments made to treat medical conditions starting the day the patient is hospitalized and continuing for the next 30 days. Patients admitted for a medical condition like a heart attack, heart failure, or pneumonia might need different tests, treatments, and services. The payment measures include payments made to the hospital, doctors, nurses, hospices and patient co-payments made during this time.

MeasureHospital AverageHow this Hospital Compares
Heart Attack PaymentsNot Available Measure: Heart Attack Payments
Sample data was collected between 07/01/2011 and 06/30/2014
Number of Cases Too Small

Payment for heart attack patients. [1]

Heart Failure PaymentsNot Available Measure: Heart Failure Payments
Sample data was collected between 07/01/2011 and 06/30/2014
Number of Cases Too Small

Payment for heart failure (HF) patients. [1]

Pneumonia PaymentsNot Available Measure: Pneumonia Payments
Sample data was collected between 07/01/2011 and 06/30/2014
Number of Cases Too Small

Payment for pneumonia (PN) patients. [1]

  • [1] The number of cases/patients is too few to report.